
All methods can be called from draw callback only!

void Line(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color clr);

void Box(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color clr);

void BoxFilled(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Color clr);

void CircleFilled(Vector2 pos, float rad, int points, Color clr);

void Text(string text, Vector2 pos, Color clr, int size);

Vector2 ScreenPosition(Vector pos);

Converts world position to screen position.

void Circle3D(Vector pos, int points, float rad, Color clr);

Renders circle in world.

pos - world position

points - number of points in circle

rad - circle radius

clr - circle color

void CircleFilled3D(Vector pos, int points, float rad, Color clr);

Renders filled circle in world.

pos - world position

points - number of points in circle

rad - circle radius

clr - circle color

void CylinderFilled3D(Vector pos, int points, float rad, float height, Color clr);

Renders cylinder in world.

pos - world position

points - number of points in circle

rad - circle radius

height - cylinder's height

clr - circle color

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