
CGlobalVarsBase -- Global variables used by shared code

float realtime;

Absolute time

int framecount;

Absolute frame counter - continues to increase even if game is paused

float absoluteframetime;

Non-paused frametime

float absoluteframestarttimestddev;

float curtime;

 Current time 

 On the client, this (along with tickcount) takes a different meaning based on what
 piece of code you're in:
   - While receiving network packets (like in PreDataUpdate/PostDataUpdate and proxies),
     this is set to the SERVER TICKCOUNT for that packet. There is no interval between
     the server ticks.
     [server_current_Tick * tick_interval]

   - While rendering, this is the exact client clock 
     [client_current_tick * tick_interval + interpolation_amount]

   - During prediction, this is based on the client's current tick:
     [client_current_tick * tick_interval]

-- Source SDK

float frametime;

Time spent on last server or client frame (has nothing to do with think intervals)

int maxClients;

Current maxplayers setting

int tickcount;

Simulation ticks - does not increase when game is paused

float interval_per_tick;

Simulation tick interval. tickrate = 1/interval_per_tick

float interpolation_amount;

interpolation amount ( client-only ) based on fraction of next tick which has elapsed

int simTicksThisFrame;

int network_protocol;

Current saverestore data

void* pSaveData;

bool m_bClient;

Set to true in client code.

bool m_bRemoteClient;

True if we are a remote clinet (needs prediction & interpolation - server not on this machine) as opposed to split-screen or local

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