
Vector2 GetScreenSize();

Returns size of the game window.

void ClientCmd(string);

Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.

player_info_t GetPlayerInfo();

Fill in the player info structure for the specified player index (name, model, etc.)

int GetLocalPlayer();

Get the entity index of the local player

QAngle GetViewAngles();

string GetMaxClients();

Retrieve the current game's maxclients setting.

void ClientCmdUnrestricted(string);

Client cmd unrestricted.

bool IsConnected();

string GetLevelName();

Get the level name of the current map.

string GetLevelNameShort();

Get the level short name of the current map.

string GetMapGroupName();

Get the map group name.

void ExecuteClientCmd(string);

Inserts szCmdString into the command buffer as if it was typed by the client to his/her console.

int GetAppId();

Returns app id.

int GetEngineBuildNumber();

Returns engine build number.

string GetGameDirectory();

Get the current game directory.

float GetLastTimestamp();

Get the exact server timesstamp ( server time ) from the last message received from the server.

Vector2 GetMouseDelta(bool bIgnoreNextMouseDelta);

Return mouse delta.

INetChannelInfo* GetNetChannelInfo();

Returns INetChannelInfo pointer.

int GetPlayerForUserId(int userid);

Retrieve the player entity number for a specified userID.

string GetProductVersionString();

Returns csgo version in string.

Last updated