
CUserCmd ("user command") is the networkable representation of the player's input, including keys pressed and viewangle. More info: ValveSoftware

int command_number;

For matching server and client commands for debugging

int tick_count;

The tick the client created this command

Vector viewangles;

Player instantaneous view angles.

Vector aimdirection;

For pointing devices.

float forwardmove;

Forward velocity.

float sidemove;

Sideways velocity.

float upmove;

Upward velocity.

int buttons;

Button states

char impulse;

Impulse command issued.

int weaponselect;

Current weapon id

int weaponsubtype;

int random_seed;

For shared random functions

short mousedx;

Mouse accum in x from create move

short mousedy;

Mouse accum in y from create move

bool hasbeenpredicted;

Client only, tracks whether we've predicted this command at least once

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